Fund Operating Policy

1. “Sanpo-yoshi” or “Three-Way Benefit”

Our company adheres to the business philosophy of “Sanpo-yoshi” or “Three-Way Benefit” – Benefit for investors, portfolio companies, and society at large.

  1. (1) Contributing to the growth of venture companies means contributing to the development of the local society and regional economy.
  2. (2) Adding corporate value to the portfolio company improves the enterprise itself while generating high returns to satisfy stockholder expectations.

2. Strict examination of investment

The great potential of many venture enterprises is missed due to the associated uncertainty and instability. Especially, the rich promise of an early stage start-up can be obscured by the apparent high risk of investment. However, when we judge that high returns can be anticipated, we seek to invest positively, whatever the corresponding risk. Thus, a thorough examination is performed, and if our investment officer in charge is convinced that listing can be achieved, we will proceed to invest in the enterprise.

3. Diversified investment

On an individual, case by case basis, investing in venture enterprises carries very high risk. Thus, by diversifying investment among enterprises in various industries and stages, we greatly reduce the risk to the entire fund.

4. Observance of rules and mechanisms for appropriate fund

To manage funds in an appropriate and effective manner, a system of rules and guidelines for the investment process have been put in place and are continually observed.
>> For further details, click here.

>> For details of our actual investment activities, click here.